
All About Karl

All About Karl

You all know those annoying e-mails that no-one likes but you receive them anyway? Well this is one. Except it's not really an email, it's... whatever.

*Personal Details Of:*
1. First Name: Karl
2. Middle Name: Lichen
3. Last Name: Schubaltz
4. Nicknames: Karlie Poo
5. City/Suburb: Planet Zi
6. Sex: M
7. Birthday: Today...
8. Astro Sign: Work it out..
9. Siblings: 1 little Brother (Thomas)
10. Pet(s): A customised Sabre Tiger, A customised Iron Kong and a Dark Horn
11. Hair Colour: blonde
      Where's 12?
13. Eye Colour: green
      and 14?
15. Which hand do you write with: right
16. Hair Length: long-short
17. Do you think you are cute: If I wasn't, do you think I'd have so many fangirls?
18. Shoe Size: um....

20. Did you send this to your crush? Crush???
21. Where do you shop the most? Zoid Shops
22. Do you think your fashion is cool: Of Course
23. Do you have any piercings? Nope
24. If not, what do you want pierced? nothing
25. Do you have a tattoo? nope

*The Extra Stuff:*
26. Do you do drugs? Na
27. Do you drink? I don't think so... There was this one time though ....
28. Who are your best friends? Marcus, who was killed when Mt Osa blew up, and Ralph, who probably died when I made that air base self-destruct...
29. What Shampoo/Conditioner do you use? wouldn't u like 2 know...
30. What are you MOST afraid of? Prozen, and Hiltz
31. What sport(s) do you play? Zoid Battles! (That's a sport!)
32. How many phones in your house? house???
33. How many TV's do you have in your house? house???
34. What are you listening to right now? The computers noise
35. What was the last thing you said? DIE PROZEN!!!
37. Do you have your own phoneline? nope
38. What shoes do you wear: the ones that came with my Uniform...
39. what clothes do you sleep in? Sleep??? What is that?
      What happened to 40. And 41?
42. Where do you want to get married? Guygalos
43. If you could have 1 wish what would it be? DIE PROZEN!!!
      44 is not here.
45. If you could change anything about yourself what would that be? I need new friends...
46. Who do you really hate? Prozen, and Hiltz, and people like Marcus who don't listen to me!!!
47. What are the ugliest names? Günther Prozen, Hiltz, Ralph, Joyce Chen, Bit Cloud...

49. Number(s): 15 & 16
50. Band/group/singer: Pass...
51. Movie (s): anything relating to Zoids.
      where's 52... and 48?
53. Brand: Zoids!
54. TV show: Zoids!
55. Fast Food: Zoids!
57. Girl Names: Karl Schubaltz
58. Boy Names: Karl Schubaltz
59. Song: pass...
60. Subject in school? Zoid piloting
      now this is starting to get a bit ridiculous!
62. Animal: Tiger!
63. CD or Tape: Zoid
65. Teacher: Mr. Bobina

66. Bungie Jumped? yesterday, out of the air base when I blew it up...
67. Went movie hopping? Chocolate
68. Broke the law? yesterday, when I blew the air base up
69. Ran from the cops? yesterday, when I blew the air base up
70. Stole Something? I don't know...
71. Gone skinny dipping? Na
      I'm not going to bother with this any more!
73. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Uh... waaa!!!

Friend(S): Thomas, Marcus, Ralph, Van, Irvine, Moonbay, Fiona, Emperor Rudolph and Kirsche Hartreigel (<3)
Weirdest: Thomas
Smartest: Thomas
Happiest: Van
Meanest: Ralph
Quietest: Fiona
Most secretive: Fiona

Eaten an entire pack of KD? Why would I eat a Killer Dome???
Caused a car accident? car accident, no. Zoid accident, a million times...
Seen the ocean? Yes, in the Ultrasaurus!

Truth or dare: dare
Chocolate Chip or Mint Chip: chocolate...
Ocean or lake: Chocolate...
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate....
Lion or Tiger: Sabre Tiger!!!
Silver or gold: Silver
Hugs or kisses: Chocolate...
Guitar or Tambourine: Zoid

Cried? yeap, on question 73
Bought Something? no
Worn a skirt? no...
Gone for a drive? I piloted my Zoid... does that count???
Taken a test? this one
Slammed your pinkie finger in a taxi door? Um no...
Watched your favourite movie? no
Given someone a present? no
Missed someone? Raven
Hugged someone? no
Kissed someone? no
Danced with someone? no
Had a nightmare? yes, it was about Hiltz and Prozen and the Death Saurer

Do you believe in yourself? well I'm here aren't I?
Best feeling in the world? Winning a Zoid battle
Are you a health freak? nope
Do you have a crush on anyone? yes
Who is your crush? First Lieutenant Kirsche Hartriegel of the Imperial Army.. Shhh, don't tell...

Do you like filling these out? No, I have better things to do, like giving people orders...
How many people are you sending this to? no idea
Who sent this to you? Kirsche
Who will send it back? Raven